Infinite Aim Foundation

Building Self-Sustaining Communities

Spiritual Unification, No Poverty, No Malnutrition, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable cities and communities, decent work, and economic growth

Our Foremost Aim

Establishing connections between Scripture and Sustainable Development Goals

Spiritually Friendly

Working together to fulfil God's purpose, yield completely to Him and cooperate wholeheartedly with Him for the highest of all beings and of the universe

Socially Nurturing

Turning awareness into interest, transforming ideas into reality, Create opportunities for activities that involve cooperation or sharing

Eeconomically Sustainable

Implementing Practices that support long-term economic growth without negatively impacting social, environmental, and cultural aspects of the community

Code Of Ethics

Our Vision

A Self-Sustaining Africa

Our Mission

Spiritual Unification, No Poverty, No Malnutrition, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable cities and communities, decent work and economic growth

Our Core Values

These Distinguish our organization’s identity, what we care about, shows our uniqueness, Improves volunteer Recruiting and Retention, Influence positive Behavior, helps in Decision-Making Processes, Shapes our Culture, Contribute to the Overall Success of our organization.

Our Campaigns

Support Us Financially To Transform Thousands Of Lives

Who We've Worked For

Our Recent Blog

Read Well, Live Well

Infinite Magazine

5 Ways to Empower Kids

Don’t assume your child knows what to do or say at the next family gathering

How to Always Be Spirit-Led!

The force behind the great manifestations among people is the power and partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Experts agree that Africa requires more high-quality education

African Regional Forum on Sustainable Development

Mr. Hamilton’s Journey from Teacher to TikTok Star

Instant communication and social media outreach have brought us closer together than ever before

Our Commitment

Better household income, Better natural soil quality, an informed generation, fewer greenhouse gas emissions, high water retention, more diverse ecosystems, and many organic farms will fare better in the near future.