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Watch a video of an S.2 Girl forced into marriage – Out of her own will

In the video above, this Incident occurred in Kyotera district, Mukatuba-Kibaati area. S2 Student who is on holiday, lost her dad some years back and the brother to her dad took over her mom. She’s being married to an old man who is over 50 years and this is in exchange for her studies at Kabaale Secondary School.

Uganda is one of the countries with the highest early and forced marriage. 10% of girls are married off before the age of 15 and 40% of girls re married off before their 18th birthday (UNICEF 2011).

The director of criminal investigations Department of Police, Maj. Tom Magambo, has ordered an immediate probe following the viral video.

One serious consequence of forced marriage is the increased likelihood of domestic abuse and sexual abuse. Anyone forced into marriage faces an increased risk of rape and sexual abuse as they may not wish to consent, or may not be the legal age to consent to a sexual relationship.

#Educate_someone_doing_this #End_forced_marriages #End_Child_marriages

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